Camping with Jesus

We see Peter, James, and John joining Jesus for some quality time on the mountaintop in this week’s text. While Jesus is off praying, Peter, James, and John are busy staying awake. I can imagine them looking around the area for wood to build a fire. Maybe they are telling stories of their exploits or just sharing some fish stories? Whatever the boys are doing, Jesus is busy having a conversation with Elijah and Moses.
Have you ever camped out with friends? I remember finding the perfect spot in the middle of a field that was close enough to carry all the supplies to, yet far enough away that my parents would not be able to hear the laughter and conversations that would take place around the campfire most of the night. My friends and I would cook our supper and the usual dessert (Smores) over the campfire. Stories would abound, and the conversations would usually turn to the supernatural…ghost stories! The following day my friends and I would have to tear down the campsite and police the area to satisfy the parents.
When he noticed that Jesus was with Elijah and Moses, we read that Peter offered to set up camp for the three. I am sure that Peter, James, and John would like nothing better than to swap stories with Elijah and Moses while sitting around the campfire enjoying a meal. However, there was another plan afoot in the mountaintop that day. The campsite would have to wait as Jesus led the boys down the mountain and back to work, while Elijah and Moses returned to heaven to continue their work.
We are ending our time in Epiphany. The journey may have left us tired and wondering what the learnings and revelations were all about. Learnings like, how does this thing called faith work towards salvation, or why does serving others get us moved to first while being served moves us to the back? And Revelations like, who is Jesus and what is his ministry on earth? The good news is, we are not asked to stop questioning and growing, we are not asked to follow blindly, and we are encouraged to continue the good works begun in us!
When we most want to set up camp, God tells us to listen to Jesus and follow him. We will move into Lent this Wednesday with an invitation to continue to journey with Jesus to Jerusalem. Maybe on the way, we can find time to set up our tents, ask those questions, and sit around the campfire. I pray we all continue the good works begun in each of us by Jesus…and may we all turn our face towards Jerusalem.
Fr. Michael+